Digitális vándor- App for hiking
About the project
This is a responsive hiking application for originally desgined for iPhone, also available on Android or Web. It allows the users to be able to plan the best or most efficient hiking trails suited to their needs snd also save and track these trails. It is also connected to booking applications and lets you save your preferred accomodations. The web interface synchronizes with the app on you phone to make it easier to access your plans anywhere, anytime.
The main colors are two different hues of green so that the user feels closer to nature. The secondary color theme is yellow to compliment the gren hues and make to appearence of the app a warmer one.


Login screen
This is the login screen, this is where you enter your credentials. You can also use your facebook, gmail or instagram credentials.

After login
After logging in this is the first screen you will see, that shows the results of your latest hike. You can also see the weather report here based on your preferences. You will also find some hiking tips here. Some of these tips are uploaded by the community.

Profile screen
This is the profile screen. Here you can see your saved accomodation, hiking trails and statistics. Your saved hiking trails are marked with the yellow heart icon, you can simply remove them by tapping on the icon. You can set your preferences tapping the cogwheel icon.
Search accommodation

Seach hike

Start hiking